Tag: Bertolozzi

Approaching the French

After having launched Bridge Music I had a working example of my original idea for Tower Music, where before all I had was a cool idea in my head. Always looking for some official endorsements for my projects (credibility is more important than financial support for these big projects…in the beginning anyway), I reached out to Congressman Maurice Hinchey, who… Read more →

Revving the engines

“Technically difficult,” “logistically doubtful,” politically improbable,” “you’re crazy, but good luck,”….I’ve heard it before. Sitting in my studio one day, about a year after Bridge Music was launched, it occurred to me that whenever anyone asked “what’s next?” I would say something to the effect of “getting to play music on the Eiffel Tower, my original inspiration, would be nice.”… Read more →

Bridge Music to Tower Music

After launching Bridge Music I needed some time to decompress before embarking on Tower Music. Sampling the Mid Hudson Bridge’s sounds, writing the music, hearing the finished product and sharing it with others was fantastic, but that made up about only 10% of the work I did. Most of my time was spent drumming up support and waiting for official… Read more →


Composer Joseph Bertolozzi has received permission from the Eiffel Tower administration to pursue his “Tower Music” project. With microphones placed on the tower’s surfaces, he will compose and record original music using only the natural sounds of the Eiffel Tower itself. Further plans call for a series of live concerts during the Tower’s 125th anniversary in 2014. This project is… Read more →

Bridge Music’s 3rd season

Joseph Bertolozzi’s Bridge Music Listening Stations were re-installed for their 3rd  season. They remain in place at the towers of New York’s Mid Hudson Bridge from April 1 thru Oct 31. The Park Radios play year round on 95.3 FM within the parks that flank the bridge, namely Waryas Park in Poughkeepsie, NY and Johnson-Iorio Park in Highland, NY. While… Read more →