Joseph Bertolozzi’s Bridge Music, a permanent sound art installation on New York’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt “Mid Hudson” Bridge begins its fifth season April 1.

The music of the bridge’s sounds are what one hears at the Listening Stations located on the Bridge’s Towers via the north-side pedestrian sidewalk and on the park radios, playing on 95.3FM within the parks that flank the bridge. It contains no other tones than those of the bridge itself. Print directions here.

Bridge Music is the model upon which Bertolozzi’s upcoming Tower Music on the Eiffel Tower in Paris is based.

Launched during the 400th anniversary celebrations in 2009 of Henry Hudson’s voyage up the Hudson River, Bridge Music was created by recording the sounds of bridge’s surfaces (guard rails, girders, etc.) with various mallets and using those sounds to compose new works, making the Mid Hudson Bridge the largest percussion instrument in the world.

The installation on the bridge towers runs through October 31, and the Park Radios play 24/7.