DAY 4, November 10, 2010
Arriving at the offices of the Eiffel Tower administration (SETE), Peter and I were prepared to present Tower Music.
The Director of SETE was supposed to meet with us but was in another conference. She was going to join us when she was finished, but in the end didn’t get out in time. The other three people at the meeting would have been there anyway, so we proceeded….forward, ever forward.
With all the preparation we had done, Tower Music was presented in about as flawless a manner as possible. Peter ran the PowerPoint while I spoke, and it was nice to hand some of the questions off to him.
They told us after we were done that there would be a meeting in 2 weeks where Tower Music would be placed on the agenda, and hopefully gotten to. It was clear that the CEO had to like the idea before anything else could move forward.

Peter Emminger & Joseph Bertolozzi, after the Tower Music presentation to the Eiffel Tower administration.
Afterward, Peter & I went to a nearby café to replay the meeting and decompress. When I got back to my apartment, I realized that the next day, Armistice Day, would be a national holiday and I might not be able to readily get to an open store for food, so I went down to The Creperie, now packed for lunchtime, and asked DJ for two meals to go and that I’d be back in a half hour to pick them up. Natalie said that she’d keep them warm for me, and I said no, that’s OK, one is for today and one is for tomorrow…whereupon everyone in the place broke out laughing!
After the day’s exhilaration wore off, I collapsed from exhaustion and finally felt like I could enjoy my stay for the remaining day.
One can only get to where one is going by steps, and this step was certainly a move forward.